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Archive for January, 2014

New Bitcoin Ebook Available: Conversational Bitcoin

Have you been hearing a lot about Bitcoin, but still not entirely sure what it is? This easy-to-read ebook answers the following questions: What is Bitcoin? Why should I care about Bitcoin? How do bitcoins get exchanged? Are bitcoins money? Why should a business accept bitcoin? Why should I personally use bitcoins? What are the […]

Read More... begins accepting bitcoins for purchases

  Today jumped into the Bitcoin pool and began accepting bitcoins as a payment methods for purchases. On December 2st, Overstock’s CEO Patirck Byrne had told TechCrunch that Overstock was considering accepting Bitcoin  sometime in 2014. Now, just nine days into the new year, Overstock has gone live with bitcoins as a purchase option. […]


Zynga begins Bitcoin payment trial with BitPay

image: TechCrunch According to TechCrunch, Zynga is running what they are calling a “test” of Bitcoin transactions to purchase goods in their web games of FarmVille 2, CastleVille, ChefVille, CoasterVille, Hidden Chronicles, Hidden Shadows and CityVille. A Zynga representative, posting on Reddit, states: “We wanted to share with the r/bitcoin community that Zynga Inc. (NASDAQ: ZNGA) […]